Safety & Security Project Updates

Safety & Security Project Updates

Construction work on several safety and security upgrades funded by the February 2023 Capital Project Levy are underway! These upgrades will modernize our oldest buildings, as our newer schools were constructed with secure vestibules and other advanced safety measures in place. Anticipated completion on all projects will be late August 2024 before school starts, unless otherwise noted.

Safety and Security Construction Projects:

  • Chief Joseph Middle School: Work on the new secure vestibule and entrance has been started. Demolition of the existing office space is underway.
  • Hanford High Safety & Security Updates: Renovations to the canopy and new secure vestibule at the front entry, as well as fencing installation between the commons and the tech/photo classroom building are in progress.
  • Jason Lee Elementary: A new secure vestibule will be created inside the main entrance and will also include modifications to the visitor counter and office space.  
  • White Bluffs Elementary: Windows will be added to the office as well as a new wall with doors to separate the office from the main hallway.  The secure vestibule will include access control devices and direct entry into the office.  
  • Wiley Elementary: The current secure vestibule will be enlarged, and windows will be added. The office will be remodeled to allow for better flow for visitors and parents.
  • Carmichael Middle School: The existing entrance and foyer will be modified to create a new secure vestibule. A new office will be constructed adjacent to the entrance that will include several workstations.
  • Enterprise Middle School: New interior secure vestibule doors and a controlled door directly into the office from the vestibule is planned for this site with minor modifications made to the office layout.
  • Richland High School: A new secure vestibule will be created at the front entrance, along with office space for staff in the current location of the student Gesa window. Gesa will be relocated to the existing attendance office area. This will also include new sidewalks to the front entrance from the visitor parking lot.  Around campus, fence modifications and additions, including vehicle gates, will be installed with access controls and monitoring.
  • River’s Edge High School: A new door, window and sidewalk will be installed to allow for improved visitor management and visibility to individuals arriving to the school.
  • HomeLink Lynx Campus (1219 Thayer):  A new secure vestibule will be created inside the main front doors.  As part of this, the main doors will shift to one side and a window and workstation area will be created for better visitor management.
  • Three Rivers HomeLink main campus: Access controls and ADA buttons will be added to the current secure vestibule for improved visitor management.

Additional Summer Projects:

  • Hanford High Re-Roof: Thanks to the favorable bids from the various safety and security projects, funding will be available to replace the roof at Hanford High. It is anticipated that work will begin on site as soon as school is released for the summer and continue into the Fall 2024. 
  • Hanford High Irrigation Intertie: A connection to the City of Richland water for irrigation use is planned near the Eyrie gym parking lot and soccer field.  This intertie will allow for a redundant irrigation system should current irrigation systems need additional water during the hot summer months.  This will occur over Summer 2024. 
  • Hanford High JROTC Classroom:  A new portable classroom will be added to the south of the modular building at Hanford High School to be used as the JROTC classroom. This work will continue over summer and be open for students at the begin of the school year.

Q: What is a secure vestibule? 
A: An entrance with a secure vestibule consists of two sets of doors. The exterior facing vestibule doors are kept unlocked during school hours, allowing for visitors to enter the vestibule. The second set of doors leading into the building remain locked. Main office staff can communicate with visitors through a variety of methods including security glass, an intercom and video surveillance systems. Staff can buzz in visitors through the second set of doors and into the office for check in.
A big thank you to our community for passing the February 2023 Capital Projects Levy which is funding our safety and security projects!