Safe Walking Routes

RSD works with the cities of Richland and West Richland to identify safe walking routes for elementary students. View the walking routes by clicking on the school likes below.

Safety Reminders for Families

Walking Safety
  • Stay Aware: Keep your eyes on your surroundings and not on a screen or device.
  • Use the Buddy System: Students should walk in groups of two or more.
  • Practice Safe Street Crossing: Be aware of your surroundings and cross streets at marked crosswalks. If possible, wait to cross until at a crosswalk with a crossing guard.
  • Report Suspicious Activities: Immediately tell responsible adults about any suspicious activities or people encountered to or from school.
  • Never Accept Offerings: Never accept anything from a stranger.
  • Know Personal Details: Make sure younger kids know their name, address, phone number, including area code, and who to call in case of an emergency.
  • Stay in Well-lit Areas: Avoid alleys or poorly lit streets.
  • Avoid Using Headphones: Stay alert by not using headphones while traveling.
Biking Safety
  • Rules of the Road: Practice basic rules of the road.
    1. Stop and look both ways when entering the street
    2. Stop at all intersections, whether marked or unmarked
    3. Respect traffic lights and stop signs
    4. Before turning, use hand signals and look in every direction
  • Protect Your Head: Use a helmet, no matter how short or long of a ride.
  • Distracted Drivers: Remind bike riders not to talk on the cell phone or text while riding. Also avoid other distracting behaviors such as eating.
  • Know the Route: Practice riding the route with your student so they are familiar with the roads.