We are pleased to offer students of the Richland School District use of the District computer network, including Internet access. The Internet will enable students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, and educational resources throughout the world.
Families should be warned that material found on the Internet may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate or potentially offensive to some people. While our intent is to make the Internet available to further educational goals and objectives, students may find ways to access other materials as well. We believe that the benefits to students from the Internet in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration exceed any disadvantages.
Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media information sources. To that end, the Richland School District supports and respects each family’s right to decide whether or not to allow Internet access.
District Internet Guidelines
- Students are responsible for good behavior and communications on school computer networks. Communications on the network are public in nature. Therefore, general school and District rules for behavior and communications apply.
- The network is provided to students for research purposes as long as the student agrees to act in a responsible manner.
- Access to the computers is a privilege, not a right, and entails responsibility.
- It is presumed that students will comply with District standards and Network Code of Conduct, and understand that disciplinary procedures will result if they fail to do so.
- While complying with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA – internet filtering) and making every attempt to supervise students while accessing Internet resources, the District is not responsible for restricting, monitoring, or controlling the communications of individuals utilizing the network.
- Network storage areas may be treated like school lockers. Therefore, network administrators may review user files and communications to maintain system integrity and insure that users are using the system responsibly. Users should have no expectations of privacy in their electronic files stored on Richland School District computers.
- All use of the system must be in support of education and research and consistent with the mission of the District.
Students using the District network are not permitted to do the following:
- Access, send, or display offensive messages or pictures
- Use obscene or defamatory language
- Harass, insult, defame or attack others
- Damage computers, alter computer systems or computer networks
- Download/install programs, files, etc. without permission
- Access chat rooms, instant messaging services, games, etc.
- Violate copyright laws
- Use another’s network account/password
- Give out his/her name, address, or phone number
- Trespass in another’s folder, work or files
- Intentionally waste limited resources
- Employ the network for commercial purposes
- Accessing personal e-mail accounts is only allowed for uses outlined in the classroom curriculum
Violations may result in loss of access to the Internet, loss of computer usage while at school, as well as other disciplinary or legal action.