
What is it?

iReady is a computer adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit your student’s needs. Each item a student sees is individualized based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions. 

The iReady assessment (also known as a diagnostic) is not a “test” and students do not receive a grade, but it’s meant to be taken like one. Students take it independently, and the results show their teachers what they already know and what is needed to support learning.

The screener is given multiple times per year as a check toward grade level skill acquisition. Students in Grades K-5 take the iReady in the fall, winter and spring. Students in grades 6-8 take it in the fall and spring (winter is optional).

Learn more about iReady

How does it work?

The first assessment starts each student at a difficulty level one grade level below their chronological grade level. On subsequent assessments, students will start approximately where they left off on a previous assessment. As students answer questions correctly or incorrectly, the test adjusts up or down, with questions of varying difficulty, until the Diagnostic reaches the level of difficulty that is right for each student.

How Does iReady Work?

What does it measure?


Students are assessed in the skill areas that are most relevant to informing instruction at their grade level. The reading skills areas:

  1. Phonological Awareness (Grades K-1 only)
  2. Phonics (Grades K-3 only)
  3. High-Frequency Words (Grades K-2 only)
  4. Comprehension - Literature
  5. Comprehension - Informational Text

Three types of questions are assessed for iReady reading: multiple choice, drag and drop and highlight text.

Reading Test Flow


iReady organizes mathematical content into four skill areas:

  1. Number and Operations
  2. Algebra and Algebraic Thinking
  3. Measurement and Data
  4. Geometry

There are four item types and tools used to evaluate the skill areas: multiple choice, short answer, dropdown and number line questions.

Math Test Flow

Keep in Mind...

  • iReady is not intended to diagnose any specific need. It is used to inform student instruction and to determine how to best support learning.
  • Students enrolled in Algebra and Geometry are not tested in math, as they have already demonstrated high performance in math.
  • High School iReady is only administered to a small number of students as part of their IEP.

Fall 2023 iReady Reading Results

The standard view (pictured below) represents students’ progress toward grade level standards inclusive of the entire year. As such, we would expect to see a larger number of students scoring in the yellow areas (1 grade level below current grade) for the fall assessment, as they have not yet been exposed to the current grade level curriculum.

(n indicates the number of students tested)

Fall 2023 iReady Math Results

The standard view (pictured below) represents students’ progress toward grade level standards inclusive of the entire year. As such, we would expect to see a larger number of students scoring in the yellow areas (1 grade level below current grade) for the fall assessment, as they have not yet been exposed to the current grade level curriculum.

(n indicates the number of students tested)

Additional iReady Diagnositics