Understanding the IEP Process
Individualized ~ Multi-Disciplinary Team Collaboration ~ Student Centered ~ Outcome Driven
The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to have procedures in place to ensure all children with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services, are identified, located, and evaluated and that the services they receive are documented. Our district has these procedures in place to locate, identify, and evaluate students between the ages of 3 and 22 who are presumed to have a disability and may be eligible for special education and related services.
If your student may need special education services, contact the Special Education Department at (509) 967-6050 to request that your student be evaluated for special education.
Beginning the Process
IEP Development
For students found to be eligible for special education the IEP team will meet to develop the individualized education plan (IEP) which documents the students' needs and the plan to address those needs. See example IEPs below.
Secondary IEP Development focuses on transition. For more in depth information regarding transition, visit the Center for Change in Transition Services (CCTS) website at www.seattleu.edu/ccts.
- Transition Services Flowchart
- Age-appropriate Transition Assessments
- Write Measurable Postsecondary Goals
- Identify Transition Services
- Write the Course of Study
- Write the Annual IEP Goals
- Coordinate Services with Adult Agencies
- Secondary Options at RSD
- High School and Beyond Plan